首先講吓Nitric acid嘅 concentration、property同half reaction:

0.1M 係very dilute nitric acid (十分稀硝酸) 只具acidic property,它只能與reactivity series(活性序)中高於Copper(銅)嘅金屬反應。
2M 係dilute nitric acid (稀硝酸) 具 mild oxidizing property, copper 同佢反應出 NO, 但記住NO同O2會反應再出brown NO2。 (2NO + O2 --> 2NO2)。Observable changes (可見變化) 包括
1. copper dissolves to give a blue solution
2. a brown gas is given out(因colourless NO變成brownNO2)
>5M 係conc. nitric acid (濃硝酸) 具 strong oxidizing property, copper同佢反應直接出NO2。Observable changes (可見變化) 包括
1. copper dissolves to give a blue solution
2. a brown gas is given out
同學要記實d equations 同 observations呀,CE成日都問o架。
1. 2001 Paper I 7c
2. 2003 Paper I 9b
4 則留言:
您好,, 我係應屆會考生,,
我本身 chem 既成績都幾差,,
校內 mock exam chem 都 fail,,
請問 study leave 哩段時間應該點做,, ce chem 先可以 pass ?
咁 copper 同 2M 既 nitric acid 既reaction 係先出 NO , 而 NO 係 colourless gas , 之後再係 test tube 既 mouth 先會出現到 brown gas ( NO2 ).
咁, 如果會考真係問 observable change 既, 我答 colorless gas 出有冇問題 ga?? thx
sue and dinner可以o向化學友最近既文章睇返d回應丫。
化學友,你個board 好正有好多好好用的資料,多謝你!
conc.nitric acid 有reaction??