1. 請問寫essay 洗唔洗寫 equation ??
2. Preparation of sulphuric acid係咪 Contact process ??
3. 如果想整 Conc. Nitric acid 可以點整呀 ?
4. 請問係咪有個新方法整 soap ( acid hydrolysis of fat or oil ) ?
Fat/oil + water <=> fatty acids + glycerol
5. 整soapless detergent 係咪要 conc.H2SO4 & NaOH 呀 ??
6. 你上次答NaOH同hydrolysis裡面形成嘅carboxylic acid neutralize生成salt of carboxylic acid(即係soap) 咁我英文可以點答呀 ??
7. 請問點解 soap 係 alkaline ( 佢又冇OH-ion ) ?
1. 寫essay 係唔洗寫 equation,因為essay係考communication skill (傳意技能),以文字表達chemical knowledge。除非係題目要求,平日係唔使寫equation嘅,仲要記住唔好以point form寫出,真係會扣分o架。
2. 係呀,整sulphuric acid嘅industrial process係指Contact process(接觸法)。
3. 整conc. nitric acid嘅industrial process已經out c喇,不過都俾你參考吓啦!
首先係catalytic oxidation of ammonia (氨嘅催化氧化),用Cu or Pt做catalyst。
4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) -->4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
2NO(g) + O2(g) --> 2NO2(g)
最後dissolve NO2落水就製成HNO3
4NO2(g) + O2(g) + 2H2O(l) --> 4HNO3(aq)
4. 唔係呀pele159,fatty acid係唔同soap,fatty acid係 carboxylic acid,佢唔溶於水。而soap係ionic compound,佢溶於水先至有清潔效能。化學友估你可能同ester 嘅acidic or alkaline hydrolysis撈亂咗,無錯fat/oil係ester,佢哋係可以carry out acidic or alkaline hydrolysis。但係當fat/oil carry out acidic hydrolysis,就只會出咗隻唔溶於水嘅fatty acid,呢隻compound係唔會有cleaning power。如果fat/oil carry out alkaline hydrolysis,就會出soap。
5.係呀,petroleum fraction + conc. H2SO4,然後加入NaOH,就會做成soapless detergent。6. pele159,睇吓咁樣寫O唔OK: NaOH neutralize the carboxylic acid formed to give sodium salt of carboxylic acid which is the soap.
7. 因為當soap溶咗落水,佢會同水有化學化應生忒OH-。雖然條equation out c,但係都寫比你睇下啦: RCOO- (soap) + H2O <=> RCOOH + OH-
1. 化學友,我想知道怎麼看CH3CO2H->CH3CH2OH的oxidation no.?? oxidation no.是什麼??
2. 1998 5: how to use the test tube given? wt is the answer in the marking scheme?
3. 7aiii3: why ethanol can dissolve unpolymerized monomer (vinyl chloride)?(joint us answer)
4. 7bii3: PVC is not suitable for making electric socket since the current pass through it will produce heat and melt it??
5. 9aiii: how to write the equation with [O] for the reaction between propan-1-ol and acidified potassium dichromate solution?
6. 9avi1: State TWO observable changes when the contents of the test tube (ester) were added to the sodium carbonate solution.
can i write a thin colourless layer form on top of the sodium carbonate solution??
1. 要計到e d oxidation no. 需要d F.6 嘅concept。 化學友記得e條係pastpaper mc,其實你可以simple d 咁睇: CH3CH2OH --> CH3COOH (ethanol --> ethanoic acid)係oxidation,所以CH3COOH --> CH3CH2OH就係相反嘅reduction。
2. d test tubes 係用o黎裝d chemicals嘅
3. 因為vinyl chloride同埋ethanol都係organic compounds,化學友唸你老師應該教過'like dissolves like'嘅concept,所以ethanol可以dissolve vinyl chloride。
4. 正確d o黎講係防止火警時高溫會 melt 咗d PVC,咁copper wire外露會非常dangerous,引至explosion或漏電。
5. maryeun,你係唔係想問e絛equation: CH3CH2CH2OH + [O] à CH3CH2COOH ?
6. 係可以o架,因為ester係insoluble in water,而且浮o向水面。
2 則留言:
is heat is needed for the production of NH3 from NH4+ + OH-?
why substitution is considered as violent?
Sorry 我唔記講個新方法整 soap 係要加 conc.H2SO4
我睇 d 朋友的notes , 佢咁寫的
" Fat/oil + water <=> fatty acids + glycerol ( soluble , propane-1,2,3-triol)
1. This reaction is responsible for the removal of fat in clogged drainpipe with conc.H2SO4
2. The conc.H2SO4 also reacts with fat to give water-soluble glycerol (& fatty acids)
請問 HCl(aq) & HCl(g)係咪compound ?
地球最多的 element 係咪 oxygen ??
地球最多的 metal 係咪 Iron ??
conc.H2SO4 + heat 係咪react cu ?
Iron heat conc.H2SO4 係會出咩呀 ??
係咪只有HNO3 stored in brown bottles ?
其實而家應該做出面練習的mock 定係
redo 錯嘅野,溫下書好呀 ??